Quiet Dog Tips

A dog barking in the grass.

Complaining neighbors are no fun for you or your dog. It can be so frustrating to be a dog owner that has a loud barking dog for no reason. Are you over your head and stuck with a loud, barking dog? Don’t fear we have your tips to get a quiet dog, keep reading. We even have a pdf download (printable) with all 10 of our top tips.

  1. Don’t lose your temper. Your dog can pick up on your emotions. The more upset and agitated you get the more your dog might lose it. It is important to stay calm and not yell. Be a role model for the quiet behavior you want your dog to have.
  2. Find the why. Look for triggers that cause your pup to bark. Is there a specific time, person, pet or other triggers that has caught your dog’s attention?
  3. A tired dog is a good dog. Make sure your dog gets plenty of fresh air and exercise every day. A bored dog is more likely to bark excessively.
  4. Stop the behavior. Once you notice what is causing your dog to bark, tell your dog in a firm voice “no.” Move them or hide the distraction.
  5. Teach commands. You can practice with your dog with either verbal or hand commands. Start when your dog is barking and say a command like “bark” or show your dog a hand signal. Once your dog stops give him praise or a treat. Give your dog another treat when giving the quiet/silent command.

Loving these tips? Grab 5 more tips for free below.


Lost Dog Finally Goes Home After Two Months Of Living A Street Life

A family with a white dog sitting on a chair.

In April of this year, a family living in Turkey had their hearts shattered after their sweet pooch named Leo had gone missing. They searched in all directions, but their efforts were all put in vain. Then, everything surprisingly changed.

About two weeks ago, Sertac Arac, Leo’s human brother, went to visit another town for work. While it’s not that far, it takes approximately an hour drive from their home. Sertac was out with his work colleagues when he spotted something that strangely looked familiar not too far away. Out on the street was a white dog that looked exceptionally similar to their missing pet.

The “stray pup” was resting outside a particular café store when Sertac saw it. It looked unkempt and is clearly stressed with street life. Though completely hesitant, Sertac took out his phone and snapped a photo of the seemingly homeless dog and sent it to his mom and dad.

“I took a picture and sent it to my mother and father,” said Sertac. Still, he admitted that it was very unlikely that the dog was their Leo. It just seemed too impossible for the dog to have made it that far. “I was completely in doubt,” he added.

On the littlest chance that the untidy dog was really the family’s missing pet, Sertac’s parents made the decision to drive and check the spot where Leo was found. They ought to see for themselves if the homeless dog was, in fact, their missing pet. And what occurred next erased all the doubts the family had.

Watch that wonderful moment when the sweet pup finally gets reunited with his family here:



In an instant, Leo recognized his loving family. After 2 months of being away from home living a difficult life on the streets, Leo was obviously overjoyed that he’s finally been found. And similarly, his family couldn’t be any happier for finding him. The lost pup is now heading home.

Leo’s story had a happy ending. And he truly deserves to be. But more than that, it gave his family hope.

About the same time Leo had gone missing, two more dogs of Sertac’s family also mysteriously disappeared. Suspecting it was the work of the dognappers in their town, they lost hope that their furry family members will still be found. But now that Leo’s home, the family’s faith returned that one of these days, their 2 other pups will be back home.

Credits to Facebook/İŞSİZLER

Service Dog Helps His Mom With Almost Everything

A dog is standing on a table in a room.

It is hard to go through a major health problem that leaves you unable to control your body or even take care of yourself properly without having to ask help from others all the time. This same thing can be said for this woman after her brain injury. Luckily, she was able to find help in her service dog to make things much easier for her.

Helping out his mom

Colt is a very special service dog who was specifically trained for a specific person –  his mom. This is because his human suffered from a major brain injury that has left her not only having difficulty walking but also experiencing seizures and fainting. She is also currently using a wheelchair since she is still undergoing physical therapy for her to be able to walk properly again.

More than a companion

Because of this, Colt has been not only a companion for her but also the best helper that she could ever ask for. He brings her anything she may need and can even open up the refrigerator to get her a drink or some food. But the most important role that Colt plays is seizure patrol.

When seizures occur

Colt like most dogs have very sensitive senses. This sensitivity helps him predict when his mom is about to have a seizure. When it comes, he knows just what to do to get his mom out of that state. He licks her arms and face to help wake her up. He even gives her pressure therapy by laying on her while he listens to her heartbeat. Once the seizure subsides, he is also able to get her the medication that she needs without her having to strain herself to stand up from the bed.

Although he is still a regular dog that has his goofy and playful moments, he is always there to be relied on whenever he is needed.

Check out their video:

Source: The Dodo | Youtube

Grumpy-Faced Pug That Nobody Wanted Finds A Loving Family Who Appreciates How Different He Looks

A small pug dog is looking at the camera.

Mr. Cornelius’s odd looks, which were the very quality that turned off other potential adopters, helped a couple fall in love with this Pug and open their home to him.

Mr. Cornelius belonged to an unplanned litter of puppies born to a Pug dad and a Shih Tzu-Pug mom in a neighborhood in Toronto. He stood out because of his coloring—he had light cream fur and pale blue eyes.

Because of this, nobody wanted Mr. Cornelius; they all thought he was ill. Luckily for him, their Pug-loving neighbors Toni Cusson and her boyfriend James O’Donnell heard that the puppies were looking for new homes.

Image credit: _mistercornelius on Instagram

All but Mr. Cornelius were already accounted for when the two got there.

Toni and James weren’t actively looking for a new pet as they already had a Pug named Bowie, but their hearts melted when they saw Mr. Cornelius’s adorably grumpy mug.

Toni did a little research to find out whether the light-colored Pug had any disorders they should know about beforehand.

At first, the results indicated that he might have albinism, but after some more digging, it turned out that Mr. Cornelius’s condition was called leucism—he only had a partial lack of pigmentation.

Other than that, Mr. Cornelius was declared completely healthy by his veterinarian; he didn’t have the eye issues usually associated with albinism, for example.

Once the Pug was at his new home, he found a best friend in Bowie. In fact, she’s the only canine friend Mr. Cornelius has as he doesn’t like other dogs at all; one can spot his grumpy expression surfacing from a mile away when he’s forced to interact with unfamiliar canines.

Mr. Cornelius positively enjoys baths, however, and he’ll even get into the tub himself while waiting for his humans to fill it up.

And for some reason, the Pug has a fixation on orange things, which make his usually frowning face do a 180 and light up in a happy grin.

His fur mom says he’s not a crabby dog at all, though; that’s just his face! Watch Mr. Cornelius with his sister Bowie in the video below:

Source: The Dodo on YouTube

Service Dog Saves Blind Woman From Getting Hit By A Bus

A golden retriever is laying on the floor in a room.

Service dogs are there to help the people who are in need lead safe and as normal lives as their disabilities can allow them to. They are guides that help their companions to steer clear of obstacles as they walk. However, this particular service dog has gone above and beyond his service to save the life of his charge.

A speeding bus

Figo is an eight-year-old Golden Retriever who is the latest companion and service dog for Audrey Stone who is legally blind. They were simply crossing the street when suddenly the dog noticed that there was a bus speeding towards them while they walked. This is when Figo immediately switched to the other side of Audrey to put himself in between his companion and the danger.

Heroic dog

This caused injuries to both dog and owner but luckily, both of them survived. Figo’s front legs were run over by the bus’ wheel and had to undergo surgery to prevent him from losing his legs. However, it is because of this incredibly heroic pooch that both of them have made it through that horrible accident. The police say that the service dog did not even cry out in pain but waited by his companion until she was able to get the help she needed.

Road to recovery

Today, both Figo and Audrey are on their way to recovering from the injuries that they sustained that day. But you could see it in the face of Figo that he is still happy and cheerful even if both his front legs are plastered. All his just waiting for now is to be reunited with his companion again.

Service dogs can do a lot of things to help those who are in need of them. But thanks to Figo, you can really see that these dogs can go above and beyond their training just to help their companion in need.

Check out their video:

Source: CBS New York | Youtube

Doggy Brother Breaks Up A Fight Between His Siblings

Three white dogs are playing on a brown couch.

When you have multiple dogs in your family, there will be times that their rough-housing may turn into a scuffle. This is something normal that all dogs do. But for one of the pooches in this video, every dog should just always play nice.

Playing rough

There will be times when your dogs would play a bit rough with each other. They would nip at each other’s ears and legs and even wrestle. Most of the time, this type of play is perfectly harmless. It may just sound like it isn’t.

Barking dog

For this particular multi-dog family, two younger puppies were caught doing just that. They were quite at first with the bigger puppy trying to get a hold of his little brothers leg. However, even if his brother was bigger than him, the other little puppy was not having any of it. This is when the barking started.


The little dog was fierce as he tried to get dominance over his big brother. He was even standing on his hind legs to get the upper hand while he barked his protest. But luckily, this standoff between to two pups would immediately come to a stop.

Big brother to the rescue

As the noise from the fight grew louder, this caught the attention of the pup’s bigger brother. A toy poodle who was a bit older than them. He came into the room where the two were at and promptly sat on the couch where their tussle was happening.

Stopping the fight

He then put a stop to their fight at once. You could see him barking at the bigger dog as if he was telling the younger pup that they should know better than that. Even after the young puppies were already calm, he still was barking at them probably to tell them off about their behavior. This only shows why it is better having more than one dog in your home, the dogs are there for each other to help them become better.

Check out this video:


Source: Rumble Viral | Youtube

Tiny Dog Shows Gratefulness Towards Rescuers

A chihuahua dog playing with a toy.

Crying in a shelter does not help the scared dogs who need a home. So Angela Dan never did every time she goes to foster a dog. But Freddie was different, she just melted Angela’s heart, and she could not hold back a few tears.

Angela drove four hours to get this poor dog. When Freddie was given to Angela, he was wrapped in a blanket. Angela did not realize how tiny she was until she was able to hold her.

He was very skinny, and his paw was not quite normal. She found out that seventeen of Freddie’s teeth were removed and his legs were spayed out. Freddie was also underweight and scared.

This does not look like a dog who had a good life. Medically, it will be a challenge to take care of Freddie, but Angela was ready to take care of him. She knows that he is so deserving of it.

Angela knows when a dog is thankful, and Freddie shows his gratefulness for Angela multiple times. Freddie knows that he is safe and properly cared of. Angela has even taught him a trick called the T-rex which he has mastered.

Freddie is just the cutest thing when he does that trick. There are people who have questioned Angela why she still fosters special needs animals when they can pass away anytime. Her answer is simple.

These dogs teach her to appreciate life as they come. No need to worry about the days that passed or the days that are yet to come. These dogs teach her that every moment needs to be enjoyed and appreciated.

When the dogs look at Angela with pure gratitude, she knows that she is doing something right. She will be never tired of taking care of her foster dogs as she knows that they all deserve the best of life.

Source The Dodo via YouTube