Man Who Rescues A Dog From A Deserted Island

A black dog swimming in water.

Traveling is an excellent time to relax and explore a new place. But if you’re lucky, it might be a chance to save a life. Dave Foster was able to do just that.

David was on a cruise to the Amazon where one of their stops was a deserted island. When they got near, he saw something move. When they got closer, he saw that it was a dog in bad shape.

It was skin and bones, yet it was very happy to see people. Maybe it knows that people would mean that he gets to eat. David knew that he could not leave the dog on a deserted island so he convinced the owner of the boat to bring it with them.

Not all the passengers were happy that the dog was onboard. One night, when David was in his bunk, he noticed that the boat’s engine was off when it shouldn’t be. He knew something was wrong.

When he went outside to check, the dog was nowhere to be seen. David was pissed. They were already in the middle of the sea when he found the owner and convinced him that they needed to go back for him.

When they went back, Negrita was waiting for them on the shore. David also found an english-speaking person who was willing to take care of Negrita for a few weeks while he works out her papers so she can fly to him.

Weeks turned into five months, which made David more excited to have Negrita with him in Ireland. When they met again, he could hardly recognize her as her transformation was amazing. She was looking healthier that he first saw her.

He could not believe that the dog he found in the Amazon is finally with him. When people go on vacation, they bring souvenirs, David brought back a living dog.

Source The Dodo via YouTube

Special Needs Dog Grows Up With Special Need Siblings

A white puppy is laying on a wooden deck.

This beautiful dog never had a chance to feel different as he was with a family that made sure he never feels it. The first part of Ghost’s life was one of struggle and pain. He had a big open wound in his leg which caused a full-body infection.

He was put on the euthanasia list and was thankfully rescued. They had to amputate his leg first to stop the spread of infection to his bones. His foster parents, Heather and Kabrina Marchant thought that they had a very sick dog in their hands and would need special care for weeks.

He seemed lifeless and could not even lift his head. They were wrong. Like a real pitbull, he was up and hanging out with the crew within twenty-four hours.

Ghost was lucky as his foster siblings were special needs pitties too and they made sure that Ghost never feels alone. When they play with Ghost, they even make sure to do it gently. Ghost’s luck did not run out too as his foster parents found him the perfect family.

Matt McCready could think of his friends from the army who also had lost their limbs when he looks at Ghost. Matt wants to make sure that he can provide Ghost the best life imaginable. Ghost mom, Jessica Sulco is a dance teacher and brought him to the studio, and everybody loves him.

That’s when Matt had an idea to make him a service dog. With the memories of his friends and the fact that Ghost is good with people, Ghost is living proof that no matter what you go through, you can always move on.

Ghost is the perfect addition to their family. He even gets a kitten for a sibling, and they are inseparable! He finally gets a life that he deserves.

Source The Dodo via YouTube

This Tiny Dog Is An Inspiration

A french bulldog standing on a rock.

Every life, no matter how tiny, matters. This little puppy drinks water from a hamster bottle. He looks more like a very small guinea pig than an actual dog.

That’s how tiny Auggie is. This French Bulldog was born with a cleft palate, and his breeder has tube fed him for three weeks. When a breeder does not want to care for their dogs anymore, they contact S.N.O.R.T or Short Noses Only Rescue Team. This organization takes in any pug, Boston terriers, French bulldogs, and English bulldogs.

That’s how Meghan Debiasio got Auggie. She got him when he was only three and a half weeks old. When she first saw him, he was so tiny that he looked like a newborn puppy. But there was no excitement from him, no tail wagging whatsoever.

Under Meghan’s care, Auggie grew in size, but there were more problems than just his height. He seems to have neurological issues as there is never a normal interaction when it comes to him.

But this tiny dog is the sweetest. He would always sleep in his mom’s neck like a parrot. That’s where he nuzzles up every night when he goes to bed. When it comes to dog interaction, he has a hard time keeping up, but he found a friend in Juno.

It’s amazing how Juno would allow him to nuzzle up to her. She doesn’t seem to mind. One thing that is very noticeable with them, is their size. Auggie’s lack of size he makes up for in spirit.

You still see him fight every day, and every day he improves. The dog who people thought would not make it is thriving. And he continues to grow every single day.

He fights to live, and he fights to be happy.

Source The Dodo via YouTube

Senior Pit Bull Gets A Family

A pit bull dog running on a dirt path.

Senior dogs are usually the least to get adopted due to their age and health issues. It’s even more challenging when that senior dog is a pitbull who has been tagged as dangerous by society. This stereotyping has been going around for years, but more and more people are trying to change people’s minds.

Since Zolton was rescued, it has been around three months until he was finally adopted. He is one of the lucky who actually gets a home that would love him. Zolton’s tail was wagging hard when he saw his mom for the first time.

He could tell that his future is with this woman and he will be loved. It was time for him to go to his forever home. There was a sign of relief in his eyes. Joe, the rescue trainer, brought Zolton and his new mother, Cynthia home. There, he started sniffing around to get familiar with different scents of his new environment.

When he got there, he does not even know how to play with a toy. It seems he never learned from his previous owner. About a month in, Zolton was finally able to adjust to his new life.

He now enjoys going for walks too! There is just something about dogs with horrible experiences that no matter what they have been through in life, they end become so forgiving and can still be so trusting. Some of the senior dogs like Zolton may never have a happy day in their lives, but Zolton was one of the lucky few who gets to.

His mom has rescued his life, and Zolton knows it. Because of what Cynthia has done, Zolton will not know pain anymore. From here on out, he will only learn love and affection from his parents.

Saving a senior dog’s life is one of the sweetest things anyone can do for a dog.

Source The Dodo via YouTube

Dog Breeder Convicted Of Animal Abuse Needs $100,000 Bond To Get Dogs Back

A bald man with glasses and a beard sitting in a courtroom.

Summer of last year, John Riggieri was charged with animal abuse and neglect of the dogs under his care. Fifty-two Labrador retrievers were found in his Marlborough house in various states of neglect and abuse. Some were still puppies.

Riggieri, 58, has lost control of his dogs after he was accused in February. At the same time, he is also facing an eviction charge from his home Shaker Farm Road located in Marlborough, based on court records.

His sentence is looming based on his convictions although it is expected that he will appeal his case. But the Kathleen O’Reilly, the Deputy Country Attorney wants him to post a bond to maintain his legal interest in the animals.

Currently, the dogs have been put under the care of Monadnock Humane Society which claimed that they are spending a big sum of money in maintaining the dogs. O’Reilly wants to mention this fact during the sentencing.

In reality, Monadnock Humane Society executive director, Kathy Collinsworth, said that they have already spent more or less $240,000 for the Labradors. The dogs cannot be open for adoption until the case have been concluded, particularly on Riggieri’s claim over the dogs.

Based on the law, individuals convicted of animal abuse must post a bond of $2,000 per animal if he/she wants to maintain interest in the animal.

Out of the 52 dogs that were taken from Riggieri’s house, only fifty were left with the humane society. One dog got lost and another one needed to be euthanized.

Reports say that Riggieri’s home is actually a dog-breeding house. Officers who went to his home testified that the three-floor house where the dogs live are full of filth. There were layers of dog feces, urine, and dirt in every corner of the house.

The dogs were not well-cared of proving Riggeiri’s conviction. His case hopes to teach a lesson to others in the same trade.

Please watch a related video below about dog rescue.

Source: Hope for Paws via Youtube


Funniest Faces That Only Dogs Can Make

A pug dog wrapped in a blanket on a bed.

Was there ever a time you caught your dog making faces? Or, did you ever notice the face it makes when it is caught doing something that it is not supposed to do or a mishap or when playing with another dog? The owner of this compilation did, every time! And they are so generous to share it to us so we can all have the laugh of our lives. More to that, we are all inspired and fired up to get every face our very own dogs also make!

One thing we should remember though is that catching our dogs red-handed is not too easy. We just have to be very observant and have our phones or cams very near so when the priceless moment comes, bam, we capture them!

The video that will leave you laughing so hard

This may or may not be the first time you see dogs making faces, but this video will definitely tickle your happy bones. This one is truly hilarious, and I’m not saying that other clips on the same video search engine are not. It is just that this one hits the mark. See for yourself by clicking on the play button. Try hard not to laugh and shoo all your negative vibes away as you go through the compilation of funny faces dogs make simultaneously.

The funny faces your dog makes are priceless

After watching the video, I’m pretty sure you will agree that the funny faces dogs make unintentionally are truly priceless. And so I know, just like me and the thousands or more dog owners across the globe, you are as inspired to get those funny moments on cam. We should and share it as well so each one of us will be inspired every day.

Source: Cutest Animals Ever via Youtube

Actor Patrick Stewart Fosters Another Pit Bull

A man with a white dog on a leash.

Famous actor Patrick Stewart is an actor in many films, television programs and on stage. But few know of his fondness for dogs. He had been a foster father to pit bulls twice over.

In 2017, while he was shooting a movie in the US, he fostered a pit bull named Ginger. Both he and his wife Sunny Ozell got very fond of Ginger and wanted to take him to the UK where they also have a home.

Unfortunately, UK law bans certain breeds of dog including pit bulls. Stewart tried to talk to the British Consulate and other government offices to allow Ginger to live with him in the UK but to no avail. There is even a possibility that the dog will be put down for just being a pit bull in case he tries to bring the dog with him. They cannot take the risk that could endanger Ginger’s life.

Although it was not easy to do, they decided to give up Ginger for adoption.

However, before giving up the puppy for adoption, they had him operated on to fix a torn ligament in his leg. They want to spare the new owners of the cost for the surgery. They were pleased that Ginger has finally found a family who loves him. Patrick and Sunny tearfully bade goodbye to Ginger.

Recently, Stewart fostered again another pit bull named Emma. According to the actor, Emma is very sweet, sensitive, gentle and intelligent. They got him from the Wags and Walks, an animal adoption center. Stewart learned to love the pit bull very much. They are very close that they would take a nap together.

Emma is seen always smiling, reflecting her happiness with her foster parents. Although Patrick still cannot bring Emma with him to the UK, he is happy that he can give a temporary home for the pit bull. In due time, like Ginger, Emma will also be going to a forever home.

Please watch the video below.

Source: The Dodo via Youtube