Hot Weather Tips For Your Dog

A dog enjoying hot weather while playing with water from a hose.

Here at Doggy Times we love the summer! Many people can’t fully enjoy the hot weather because they are afraid of the heat for their pups. There is good news though, your canine can spend time outside if you follow these six easy tips for keeping your dog safe in the heat.


1. Give Your Dog Water

To make sure your dog doesn’t overheat means lots of water. It is easy to keep your dog cool and hydrated by carrying a travel water bowl. One that collapses and is easy to carry is ideal. You will also need to pack bottles of water (try to keep them cold if possible). Offer your dog water each hour. If you notice your dog panting a lot, please get her out of the heat and drinking more water.


2. Water on the Outside

If there are water options where you are going, ie swimming or other activities in the water then it is easy to help your dog stay cool. It’s a good idea to call ahead and see what water options for dogs are available. Bring a couple towels to help your pup dry off after he swims or plays.


3. Avoid Noontime

It’s a good policy to avoid the heat of the day for both you and your dog. The hours of 11am-3pm are when the sun’s heat is the hottest. Avoid exercising during those times. If you do have to go for a walk during these times, take it easy, avoid hot sidewalks that can burn your dog’s paws and bring lots of water for you and your dog!


There are 3 more tips on the next page!

Top 5 Winter Dog Tips

St bernard dog in the winter snow.

It’s such a rewarding thing to see your dog’s first time in the snow. Some dogs are better able to play outdoors in the winter weather, though. Here are some winter safety tips for safely playing in the snow so that they can enjoy this season.

Some dog breeds have thinner coats that don’t really protect them in cooler weather. But other dogs are especially well suited for cold weather due to their thicker hair. Always use your best judgment when considering winter exposure. It is important to take in consideration your dog’s hair thickness and also her age. Just like with people, young puppies and older dogs are more sensitive to the cold.

A general guideline is that if you’re freezing in your winter coat, it’s probably too cold for your dog. Keep reading for more cold weather dog tips.


1. Build up time in the cold

Begin with small amounts of time outside in the cold and increase the amount of time slowly. “The key is acclimation. If they seem fine and aren’t shivering or trying to get in, it’s perfectly fine for them to stay outside for longer periods as long as they’re building up to it,” advises Dr. RuthAnn Lobos, veterinarian and Purina’s Senior Manager of Training.

dog, snow, race

2. Make bathroom breaks easy

If possible make sure that an area of the yard is clear so your pup can get to it straight away. Take a look at your yard and see if there is a more sheltered area for your dog to utilize during the cold weather. You can give a treat to encourage more good behavior and avoid indoor accidents.

3. Look out for foreign substances

Winter weather means that homeowners will be using chemicals to defrost their yards. Irritated paws and stomach can be the result of your dog eating rock salt (which isn’t toxic). Be on the lookout for blue and/or green splotches on the ground and keep your pooch away from those spots. It’s also a good idea to quickly wipe your dog’s paws clean before they come back in the house. This has an added benefit of warming up their paws.

Turn the page for tips 4 & 5!

When To Bring Dogs For Emergency Veterinary Care

A small dog being held by a person in a veterinary office

It’s tough to decide when to take your pets to see the vet, more so if it’s right in the middle of the night or on the weekend. However, certain medical conditions warrant emergency vet care. Read on so you can learn more about these conditions to help you recognize and decide when to take your dog.

When there is difficulty in breathing

Dyspnea or having difficulty in breathing is an emergency. Your dog can exhibit choking signs, wheezing, or you may notice your dog is breathing from his mouth. Dyspnea can be because of several factors and should be considered a medical emergency.

Factors such as a lodged foreign material in the throat, a lung or heart problem, or an allergic reaction that’s severe – can all lead to dyspnea.

There is absence of appetite

Although the lack of appetite is not an immediate emergency, if it’s more than 24 hours already, it’s time to head to the vet. As with humans, we lose our appetite if we are under the weather or in pain. It goes the same with our canine friends. The downside to this is that it can usually cause dehydration and general muscle control.

How to Introduce Dogs

Two dogs playing with each other in a field

Acquainting Dogs

Have you ever thought about a dog meet and greet? In order for unknown dogs to have a successful first meeting, there has to be coordination. There are several ways that dog owners can make sure that their pups have a positive interaction. Read on to find out some tips to acquaint dogs to new dogs and people.

Tips to Introduce Your Dog

Just like people, every dog is unique. Some dogs have a more social personality than others. But just like people, dogs can learn how to be more social and get along with other pets and people. Some of the best ways to socialize a dog are:

  • Begin as soon as possible
  • Set up a safe environment
  • Consider it a priority
  • Be mindful for signs that your dog is in distress
  • Be on the lookout for social activities for your dog

how to introduce your dog to other dogs

Even if your dog is older, it’s not too late to teach your dog to be more social. Purina shares a few ideas to get you started:

  • Play games with your dog like “fetch” to teach your dog body language and sharing.
  • Interact with other dogs to help your dog interact appropriately.
  • Observe your dog’s emotional state. (Behaviors like cowering and tail-tucking indicate he’s overwhelmed.)
  • Reward good behavior. Progress deserves praise your dog will recognize.

How to Switch Dog Foods in 1 Week

A group of golden retriever puppies eating from a bowl switched dog food.

Changing Dog Food

You might be asking yourself if it would be bad to change your dog’s food. Or try to figure out the actual steps to take to make the switch happen without issues. There can be many reasons to try out a new food. Your puppy may be getting bigger, or your dog may have health conditions that require a different type of dog food. Making the change doesn’t have to cause problems and is easy. The biggest thing is to remember is to be patient and do a little bit of planning before you start. This will make the change more successful for you and your dog.

Planning Stage

It’s ok if you have never switched out your dog’s food. It only takes a short time and you will see how easy it is. You may feel a bit restless and just want to start, keep in mind that changing your dog’s food is a process. It may take 7-10 days for you to notice the changes in switching the food. The basic plan is to feed a little bit less of the old food and a bit more of the newly chosen food each day. The key is to make the transition gradual to prevent any problems.

How to Change Dog Food

Days 1-2:

Begin the change by adding a small amount of the new food to your dog’s feeding dish with mostly her usual food. It is important that when transitioning foods to measure the new amount that you’re adding so that you can remove the equal amount of the usual food. A good rule of thumb is to remove about 1/8 of your dog’s food to start.

How to Safely take Your Dog in the Car

A dog sitting in the driver's seat of a car.

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Dog Car Safety

Do you yearn to take your dog to more far out places? Moving out in search of adventures in the world with your dog can be exciting for both of you. But before you leave, it’s crucial to think of your pet’s comfort and more importantly safety.

How to Make your Car Dog Safe

When thinking about taking a road trip with your dog there are a lot of things to consider. Below find some doggy contraptions to use during your trips with your dog to keep them safe.

From our Dog Experts at Purina:

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How to Know if Your Dog Needs Supplements

Vitamin E supplement capsules on a white background.

Supplements for Your Dog

You may be wondering if your dog needs vitamins, minerals or other supplements. There are many dog versions of health supplements currently on the market. It can be confusing to know what might be right for your dog.

First, please take the time to select a high-quality dog food that is balanced and complete. This will make sure that your dog is receiving all of the nutrition daily that he needs to be strong and healthy.

Specific Health Concerns

If your dog has certain health concerns it may be important to add, or supplement specific things. There are a myriad of vitamins and supplements that are marketed for dogs.

pill, capsule, medicine, vitamin, supplement

The best bet if your dog falls into the category of having health concerns, please consult your veterinarian to assist you in finding the best supplements for your pet.

As long as your dog is eating a complete dog food that has all the necessary nutrition, it should not be necessary to add supplements. Too much of any supplement or vitamin can be very harmful. The best case scenario is wasted money worst case scenario can mean harm to your pet.

If you understand your dog’s individual nutrition needs then you will be able to make good decisions about her food choices and whether she needs supplements for health.

More how to’s for your dog: How to figure out how much to feed my dogHow to Switch Dog Foods in 1 WeekHow to Safely take Your Dog in the Car