Hot Weather Tips For Your Dog

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4. Do Not Leave your Dog in the Car

This one will be short. Do not leave your dog in the car. Even with the windows rolled a bit down, the car’s temperature can soar to scorching temperatures in minutes. Please keep your pet safe by not leaving them in parked cars. Please and thanks.


5. Don’t Put Your Dog in the Dog House

Since most dog houses aren’t insulated they are not a good choice in summer weather. Their small design also doesn’t allow good air flow and heat gets trapped inside. Try to keep your dog in the shade as much as possible and always have water available for your dog. You can even add a bit of ice to really keep him cool.


6. Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs

On hot days there is always a risk of heatstroke for your dog, especially if your dog is a puppy, older or sick. Below is a list of warning signs for heatstroke in dogs.


  • Panting a lot or slobbering excessively
  • Looks to be in pain
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Confusion
  • Seizures


If you notice any of these symptoms quickly get your dog to a cooler area and call her Vet. If you’re not able to move your pet, apply ice packs and give her cold water to help cool her.


It can take a while, sometimes a few days after the incident for symptoms to show up. It’s important to get a hold of the Veterinarian as soon as you notice symptoms or have concerns.


Enjoy the summer weather with your canine buddy, just keep in mind these tips to make it enjoyable and safe for your dog. Oh and don’t forget water and sunscreen for you!


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