Simple Steps for Teaching Your Dog Paw Shaking Tricks

A woman's hand holding a dog's paw.

Want to form a strong friendship with your four-legged companion? Then you need to teach them the classic ‘paw shake’ trick! Even if you’re not an expert in dog training, it’s still relatively easy to do with the proper techniques. In this blog, we’ll explore how paw shaking works and provide tips on getting your pup trained quickly – plus other fun tricks such as rolling over and playing fetch too! If all that sounds great, keep reading for some amazing advice on pet lessons, puppy education, and more…

Utilizing Dog Training Techniques for Paw-Shaking Lessons

One of the best ways to help your dog learn how to give a paw is by using doggy training techniques. Positive reinforcement can work wonders as you reward Fido when they start doing what you want – including shaking paws on command! To get started, ensure your pup is in an easy position – sitting or lying down should be fine for starters. Now take a treat and hold it up so they can smell it; this will definitely have their mouths watering!

When your pup sniffs that tasty treat, tell them what you want with a verbal cue like “shake” or “paw.” Then give their paw a little press while repeating the command. If they don’t respond right away, keep at it! Eventually, they’ll catch onto what you’re asking for and reward them with praise and that yummy treat when they finally do it. After enough practice sessions, the next time you say either “shake” or “paw” – voila – magic! They should know precisely how to answer correctly every single time. It’s amazing. Just think about all the tricks we can teach our furry best friends if only remember to be patient and consistent in our training methods!

Advanced Pet Tricks: In-depth Puppy Lesson on Teaching Tips

Teaching your puppy to shake hands is a great way to add extra fun and interest to their daily life. It’s also an excellent opportunity for building trust between you two, as it requires them to be comfortable with physical contact on your part. Having the right tools for this job should be a top priority! Treats? Check! Patience? Double check!! And don’t forget about positive reinforcement coming both from yourself and any other family member in attendance – if available, of course… 😉 

So let us start: you must have Fido facing you while holding a treat close enough towards his nose so he can smell it properly. Then say ‘shake’ when they look at that tasty snack in hand, followed by gently raising one paw like shaking real hands with them. As soon as the pup does what is expected out of them, reward such behavior immediately afterward using that same other hand (the free one), praising every step taken correctly along our training journey together :D. With consistent practice throughout several days or weeks, depending on how quickly they wrap around everything taught here, we’ll eventually reach successful results, at which point hearing ‘Shake’ automatically knows precisely what will come next without further instruction needed 🙂

Wrapping it up, training your canine to shake paws is a fantastic way to show that you care about and love them. You can get the job done quickly with a few simple supplies, some self-control, and plenty of practice! Crucially though, when teaching this trick to your pup, use positive reinforcement such as treats or verbal affirmations – breaking down each step into smaller bits also helps them comprehend things much more quickly. All that’s left now is for you two to have fun while mastering it!

Understanding Urinary Incontinence in Dogs

A black and white dog sitting in a boat on a lake.

This post discusses the challenges of pet ownership, specifically urinary Incontinence in dogs. It explains that urinary Incontinence can cause discomfort for the dog and inconvenience for the owner. The condition is often caused by a medical condition or physical defect, leading to involuntary urine leakage. This can result in accidents in the house, requiring costly repairs and cleaning. This post will provide information on the causes of urinary Incontinence in dogs and procedures that can help with recovery, ensuring the dog’s health and happiness are maintained.

Understanding Dog Incontinence: Reasons behind Urinary Problems in Canine

Surprisingly, many dogs suffer from urinary Incontinence, which causes them to lose control of their bladders involuntarily. Understanding the potential reasons behind canine urinary problems for your pup to receive proper help is essential. Physical trauma usually serves as the primary cause; this can stem from an injury acquired during exercise or surgery.

If your pup exhibits signs of urinary Incontinence, it may result from nerve damage caused by injury or age-related degeneration.

Structural issues with the bladder can also lead to involuntary leakage. Moreover, certain medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney failure, and Cushing’s disease interfere with normal bladder functioning and may cause urine to escape involuntarily. Hormonal imbalances due to spaying may similarly contribute to this condition in female dogs. At the same time, medications used for other purposes (including antibiotics) can inhibit proper nerve function, leading to contributing factors that need careful consideration. Therefore, a trip to see your vet right away should take place if you observe any indication suggesting urinary Incontinence so underlying health matters can be ruled out before determining suitable treatment options long-term.”

Dealing with Dog Bladder Issues: Effective Solutions for Urinary Leakage

Urinary Incontinence in dogs is an oft-encountered difficulty that can cause frustration for pet owners. Frequently, these bladder issues originate from aging or underlying health concerns. Though it might be tempting to disregard the case, an intervention will assist your canine companion in remaining content and healthy. The most typical kind of urinary Incontinence encountered is urge incontinence: when a pup involuntarily leaks urine due to intense pressure on the bladder or otherwise urgent sensations.

This type of Incontinence is typically a result of weakened pelvic muscles, nerve damage in the spinal area, and an overactive bladder muscle that contracts too quickly, causing leakage. Other causes may include hormonal imbalances such as hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, urinary infections (UTIs), and certain medications like diuretics and corticosteroids. 

To help minimize accidents associated with this condition, providing your pup ample exercise can bolster their pelvic floor muscles, which helps reduce mishaps from happening. Should any underlying medical conditions be suspected for the urgent issues experienced by your pooch, then consulting one’s veterinarian for further testing and treatment options should be done; these could involve dietary modifications or medication if necessary.

 Any changes observed to physical symptoms like frequent urination or behaviors warrant contacting a vet immediately so they can advise on how best to remedy it before things get worse.

In conclusion, canine urinary incontinence can be a severe issue. Dog owners should stay vigilant for frequent urination or leakage and take their pets to the vet if they detect any signs of trouble. Early diagnosis and treatment provide a way to control this condition and improve the quality of life both for dogs and owners alike.

Teaching Your Puppy Where To Poop

A dog with a mop and bucket on a white background.

Potty Training: The Hilarious Adventure of Teaching Your Puppy Where to Leave Their Stinky Surprises

Potty Training Puppies:

Ah, potty training puppies! It’s a rollercoaster ride filled with laughter, frustrations, and a whole lot of paper towels. But fear not, fellow dog lovers, because I’m here to guide you through this hilarious adventure of teaching your furry friend where to leave their stinky surprises.

Puppy Potty Training Tips:

Let’s dive right into some puppy potty training tips that will have you and your pup laughing all the way to the backyard.

1. Consistency is Key

Just like humans, puppies thrive on consistency. Establish a routine and stick to it religiously. Take your puppy outside to their designated potty spot at the same times every day, such as after meals, naps, or playtime. Soon enough, they’ll associate that spot with doing their business.

2. Positive Reinforcement

Puppies respond best to positive reinforcement. When they do their business in the right place, be sure to shower them with praise, treats, and lots of belly rubs. This will create a positive association and encourage them to repeat the behavior in the future.

3. Keep an Eye (or Nose) Out

Puppy potty accidents are bound to happen, so keeping a close eye on your little explorer is important. Watch for signs like sniffing around, circling, or squatting. If you catch them in the act, gently interrupt and take them outside immediately. Remember, they’re still learning!

4. Invest in a Crate

Crates can be a potty-training lifesaver. Dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping area, so a properly sized crate can help prevent accidents while you cannot supervise. Ensure the crate is comfortable, with enough room to stand, turn around, and lie down. And never use the crate for punishment!

5. Clean Up with a Smile

Let’s face it, cleaning up after our furry friends is a challenging task. But why not make it fun? Put on some upbeat music, throw in a few dance moves, and pretend you’re competing in the “World’s Most Enthusiastic Pooper Scooper” championship. Laughter truly is the best disinfectant!

6. Patience, Patience, Patience

Potty training takes time and patience. It’s normal for puppies to have accidents and setbacks along the way. Remember, they’re still learning the ropes. So, take a deep breath, embrace the messy moments, and know you’ll soon be reminiscing about this hilarious adventure.


Potty training puppies may be filled with stinky surprises, but it’s also a journey that will make you laugh, smile, and appreciate the unconditional love of your furry friend even more. So, arm yourself with these tips, a good sense of humor, and positive energy. And always remember, accidents can happen, but they’ll only add to the hilarious memories you’ll cherish for a lifetime. Happy potty training, fellow dog lovers!


Quiet Dog Tips

A dog barking in the grass.

Complaining neighbors are no fun for you or your dog. It can be so frustrating to be a dog owner that has a loud barking dog for no reason. Are you over your head and stuck with a loud, barking dog? Don’t fear we have your tips to get a quiet dog, keep reading. We even have a pdf download (printable) with all 10 of our top tips.

  1. Don’t lose your temper. Your dog can pick up on your emotions. The more upset and agitated you get the more your dog might lose it. It is important to stay calm and not yell. Be a role model for the quiet behavior you want your dog to have.
  2. Find the why. Look for triggers that cause your pup to bark. Is there a specific time, person, pet or other triggers that has caught your dog’s attention?
  3. A tired dog is a good dog. Make sure your dog gets plenty of fresh air and exercise every day. A bored dog is more likely to bark excessively.
  4. Stop the behavior. Once you notice what is causing your dog to bark, tell your dog in a firm voice “no.” Move them or hide the distraction.
  5. Teach commands. You can practice with your dog with either verbal or hand commands. Start when your dog is barking and say a command like “bark” or show your dog a hand signal. Once your dog stops give him praise or a treat. Give your dog another treat when giving the quiet/silent command.

Loving these tips? Grab 5 more tips for free below.


Grumpy-Faced Pug That Nobody Wanted Finds A Loving Family Who Appreciates How Different He Looks

A small pug dog is looking at the camera.

Mr. Cornelius’s odd looks, which were the very quality that turned off other potential adopters, helped a couple fall in love with this Pug and open their home to him.

Mr. Cornelius belonged to an unplanned litter of puppies born to a Pug dad and a Shih Tzu-Pug mom in a neighborhood in Toronto. He stood out because of his coloring—he had light cream fur and pale blue eyes.

Because of this, nobody wanted Mr. Cornelius; they all thought he was ill. Luckily for him, their Pug-loving neighbors Toni Cusson and her boyfriend James O’Donnell heard that the puppies were looking for new homes.

Image credit: _mistercornelius on Instagram

All but Mr. Cornelius were already accounted for when the two got there.

Toni and James weren’t actively looking for a new pet as they already had a Pug named Bowie, but their hearts melted when they saw Mr. Cornelius’s adorably grumpy mug.

Toni did a little research to find out whether the light-colored Pug had any disorders they should know about beforehand.

At first, the results indicated that he might have albinism, but after some more digging, it turned out that Mr. Cornelius’s condition was called leucism—he only had a partial lack of pigmentation.

Other than that, Mr. Cornelius was declared completely healthy by his veterinarian; he didn’t have the eye issues usually associated with albinism, for example.

Once the Pug was at his new home, he found a best friend in Bowie. In fact, she’s the only canine friend Mr. Cornelius has as he doesn’t like other dogs at all; one can spot his grumpy expression surfacing from a mile away when he’s forced to interact with unfamiliar canines.

Mr. Cornelius positively enjoys baths, however, and he’ll even get into the tub himself while waiting for his humans to fill it up.

And for some reason, the Pug has a fixation on orange things, which make his usually frowning face do a 180 and light up in a happy grin.

His fur mom says he’s not a crabby dog at all, though; that’s just his face! Watch Mr. Cornelius with his sister Bowie in the video below:

Source: The Dodo on YouTube

Doggy Brother Breaks Up A Fight Between His Siblings

Three white dogs are playing on a brown couch.

When you have multiple dogs in your family, there will be times that their rough-housing may turn into a scuffle. This is something normal that all dogs do. But for one of the pooches in this video, every dog should just always play nice.

Playing rough

There will be times when your dogs would play a bit rough with each other. They would nip at each other’s ears and legs and even wrestle. Most of the time, this type of play is perfectly harmless. It may just sound like it isn’t.

Barking dog

For this particular multi-dog family, two younger puppies were caught doing just that. They were quite at first with the bigger puppy trying to get a hold of his little brothers leg. However, even if his brother was bigger than him, the other little puppy was not having any of it. This is when the barking started.


The little dog was fierce as he tried to get dominance over his big brother. He was even standing on his hind legs to get the upper hand while he barked his protest. But luckily, this standoff between to two pups would immediately come to a stop.

Big brother to the rescue

As the noise from the fight grew louder, this caught the attention of the pup’s bigger brother. A toy poodle who was a bit older than them. He came into the room where the two were at and promptly sat on the couch where their tussle was happening.

Stopping the fight

He then put a stop to their fight at once. You could see him barking at the bigger dog as if he was telling the younger pup that they should know better than that. Even after the young puppies were already calm, he still was barking at them probably to tell them off about their behavior. This only shows why it is better having more than one dog in your home, the dogs are there for each other to help them become better.

Check out this video:

Source: Rumble Viral | Youtube

Man Who Rescues A Dog From A Deserted Island

A black dog swimming in water.

Traveling is an excellent time to relax and explore a new place. But if you’re lucky, it might be a chance to save a life. Dave Foster was able to do just that.

David was on a cruise to the Amazon where one of their stops was a deserted island. When they got near, he saw something move. When they got closer, he saw that it was a dog in bad shape.

It was skin and bones, yet it was very happy to see people. Maybe it knows that people would mean that he gets to eat. David knew that he could not leave the dog on a deserted island so he convinced the owner of the boat to bring it with them.

Not all the passengers were happy that the dog was onboard. One night, when David was in his bunk, he noticed that the boat’s engine was off when it shouldn’t be. He knew something was wrong.

When he went outside to check, the dog was nowhere to be seen. David was pissed. They were already in the middle of the sea when he found the owner and convinced him that they needed to go back for him.

When they went back, Negrita was waiting for them on the shore. David also found an english-speaking person who was willing to take care of Negrita for a few weeks while he works out her papers so she can fly to him.

Weeks turned into five months, which made David more excited to have Negrita with him in Ireland. When they met again, he could hardly recognize her as her transformation was amazing. She was looking healthier that he first saw her.

He could not believe that the dog he found in the Amazon is finally with him. When people go on vacation, they bring souvenirs, David brought back a living dog.

Source The Dodo via YouTube