Beautiful memories

Gone but never the saddest moment when the one you give the memories becomes a memory

Dogs give us so many beautiful memories. Just a little video to help remind us to reminisce and keep your dogs’ memories alive! Enjoy!


We have lots more videos for you! If you’re missing your dog, watch thisGet Ready for a Commercial that All Dog Lovers Will Really LoveA Special ChargeDog is Man (and Woman’s) Best Friend

A Special Charge

A dog is sitting on a wooden deck.

A Loan From God
Unknown Author

God promised at the birth of time, A special friend to give, His time on earth is short, He said, So love him while he lives.

It may be for eight or ten years, Or only two or three, But will you, till I call him back, Take care of him for Me?

A wagging tail and cold wet nose, And silken velvet ears, A heart as big as all outdoors, To love you through the years.

His puppy ways will gladden you, And antics bring a smile, As guardian or friend he will, Be loyal all the while.

He’ll bring his charms to grace your life, And though his stay be brief, When he’s gone the memories, Are solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay, Since all from earth return, But lessons only a dog can teach, I want you each to learn.

I’ve looked the whole world over, In search of guardians true, And from the folk that crowd life’s land, I have chosen you.

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Dog Surprisingly Saves Man’s Life by Biting His Toe

A dog with a leaf in its mouth.

One weekend night after one too many margaritas, Jerry Douthett passed clean out. While he was intoxicated his dog, Kiko chomped off most of his right great toe. Despite the unusual circumstances, Jerry is thankful for his dog, saying “he saved my life.” Jerry admits he never would have gone to the doctor if it’s wasn’t for the chewed off toe. By seeking treatment for his toe, he found out that he had diabetes and that his blood sugar was dangerously high.

Typically, dog bites are not positive but Kiko is being praised as a hero.

It is thought that Kiko could tell that Jerry had an infection brewing in that toe and chewed it off while Douthett slept off the alcohol effects.

Visiting the Hospital

Once Jerry made it to the hospital he found out that his big toe required removal. Kiko apparently knew more than Jerry did and could tell something was not right. Jerry found out his blood sugar at the hospital was way over the normal level of 60-100. He was, in fact, many times over normal and registered a blood sugar of 560. He found out he had Type 2 diabetes.

Jerry’s wife had left him to sleep off the margaritas back in the bedroom. She heard a bunch of screams and when she went to investigate as she heard him yelling “my toe’s gone, my toe’s gone.”

The Pre-story

A few months before Jerry ended up in the hospital, he had noticed a strange, small area on the bottom of that toe. He took matters into his own hands and started to pick away at the area. Soon he cut away part of his skin with a knife, hoping that would help. Instead of helping the healing process, it made his toe skin swell up so much that he had to ditch the shoes for sandals.

“It smelled, and I look back now and realize every time we’d visit someone with a dog, their dog would be sniffing all over my foot.”

dog chews off owner's toe and saves his life

Continue reading “Dog Surprisingly Saves Man’s Life by Biting His Toe”

If you’re missing your dog, watch this

Miss my dog so much!

Dogs are our best friends, our canine companion, and so much more. They give us so many memories and experiences. It’s hard to not be changed by the life they give us. Take a minute to watch this video and think about your pet that you’re missing.

More dog videos: Beautiful memoriesA Special ChargeDog is Man (and Woman’s) Best Friend

Dog is Man (and Woman’s) Best Friend

The bond with a true dog will never be broken.

We all know the age old adage that dogs are man’s best friend right? It is believed that dogs are the first domesticated animals. Ancient people have left artwork showing their close relationships with canines throughout history.

We here at Doggy Times love to celebrate our best friends! What about you?

Now it’s time to have a fun video to show you just how much we love our furry dog friends.

We have lots more videos for you! If you’re missing your dog, watch thisGet Ready for a Commercial that All Dog Lovers Will Really Love, Beautiful memories

Elderly Pug’s Owner Goes Viral for Her Apologies

A pug is standing on a balcony.

New Surroundings

Shortly after Sharla Wilson moved into a new place in Pittsburg, she felt she needed to apologize to her neighbors. See her aging pug, Charleston was getting lost in the unfamiliar apartment and crying out for Sharla.

A neighbor took a quick photo of the adorable apology letter. That photo quickly made its rounds on the internet and got almost 500K likes. Many dog lovers responded. Most of them were ok with the adorable Pug howling for his owner.

The letter

Hello, Neighbors!

My name is Charleston Chew and I’m very sorry for my howling.

I’m an old man now, with cataracts, and sometimes I get real scared because I can’t see where I am and can’t find my mom.

As I get used to my new place, I will start to settle down.

Thanks for being patient with me. I don’t mean to be such a pain.

Charleston Chew Pug

Apt 502

Sharla @Charlestons_Mom

Service Dog inspires Veteran to Tell His Story through Children’s Books

A yellow labrador retriever service dog is standing with his tongue out.

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Stationed in the North Atlantic, D.K. Adams suffered three concussions and blunt force trauma during his service as part of the Coast Guard during the Vietnam War. Over a 30 year period, these injuries resulted in Veteran Adams losing most of his sight. He has endured over 33 surgeries to his eyes. This has included a partial corneal transplant in his fight to keep the five percent vision that remains in his right eye.


To journey through his challenges, Adams turned to writing. He has authored a series of books for children, all featuring his service dog Ace.


Adams has channeled his struggles with losing his sight into writing a series of books, including three children’s books, starring his service dog, Ace.


The book series centers around Ace and shows the world from his dog’s angle. This whimsical approach shows readers the perspective of visually impaired people and the types of trials they can face.