Watch This Dog Sing Along To Michael Jackson During A Car Ride

A dog is looking up at a chair.

Michael Jackson is one of the most popular artists on radio and TV. This man has created a ton of top hits. Despite his demise, his songs are still being played and many people still sing them and perform them.

Michael Jackson’s songs are quite catchy and they are so popular that a lot of people know them. Sometimes, we may not notice it but when one of his songs play on the radio or on Spotify or whatever it is that you are using to listen to music, you just go along and sing along.

But humans are not the only ones who are susceptible to singing along with Michael Jackson. Go ahead and read this story and you would know just how a dog cannot help it but howl and sing along to Michael Jackson’s tunes.

The dog who couldn’t help but howl along to Michael Jackson is named Honey. Honey is a rescue dog who lives in Humboldt, California. If her owner just told the story, you may not believe it. But Honey’s singing along has been captured on camera for all of us to believe!

Honey does not just howl. She makes sure that she sings along. You would notice it that every time she howls, it is just right along to the lyrics and the beat of the song. Oh, this dog is surely a Michael Jackson fan.

This is surely a skill that not all dogs have. Honey’s owner is quite amused at what Honey can do. She is also quite proud to have Honey as her dog. I think Honey can even sing along to Michael Jackson’s songs even better than most people out there.

With the popularity that Michael Jackson’s songs have, we are not surprised why Honey did this. If we sing along with his songs, why can’t Honey do the same?

Source: Honey TheDog

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