Found Dog Saves Son

A rescued brown dog laying on a wooden floor.

Stacey Savige, had an early morning request for her neighbor Yolanda Sevogia. She wanted to know if Yolanda could watch the dog she had discovered at the local elementary school. She agreed to watch the rescued dog for one day. Both women got busy trying to find the dog’s owner and printed and distributed over 4,000 “Found” fliers and even put an ad on Craigslist.

Yolanda purchased some food and supplies for the dog. She while hoping her two sons Azaiah (10) and Christian (21) would not want to keep the dog. Christian had recently had surgery for his heart and kidneys related to Down’s Syndrome and other medical conditions.

After four days Yolanda and her family were still caring for the dog who they had named RaeLee (pronounced Riley). That day as she came up to the house, RaeLee started barking frantically and threw himself up against the screen door. Once he had her attention, RaeLee ran into the boy’s room where Christian was having a severe seizure. The dog ran over to her son and as soon as Yolanda started to help Christian, RaeLee stopped barking.

See the photo of this cute rescue dog that came to the rescue on the next page:)

Dog Surprisingly Saves Man’s Life by Biting His Toe

A dog with a leaf in its mouth.

One weekend night after one too many margaritas, Jerry Douthett passed clean out. While he was intoxicated his dog, Kiko chomped off most of his right great toe. Despite the unusual circumstances, Jerry is thankful for his dog, saying “he saved my life.” Jerry admits he never would have gone to the doctor if it’s wasn’t for the chewed off toe. By seeking treatment for his toe, he found out that he had diabetes and that his blood sugar was dangerously high.

Typically, dog bites are not positive but Kiko is being praised as a hero.

It is thought that Kiko could tell that Jerry had an infection brewing in that toe and chewed it off while Douthett slept off the alcohol effects.

Visiting the Hospital

Once Jerry made it to the hospital he found out that his big toe required removal. Kiko apparently knew more than Jerry did and could tell something was not right. Jerry found out his blood sugar at the hospital was way over the normal level of 60-100. He was, in fact, many times over normal and registered a blood sugar of 560. He found out he had Type 2 diabetes.

Jerry’s wife had left him to sleep off the margaritas back in the bedroom. She heard a bunch of screams and when she went to investigate as she heard him yelling “my toe’s gone, my toe’s gone.”

The Pre-story

A few months before Jerry ended up in the hospital, he had noticed a strange, small area on the bottom of that toe. He took matters into his own hands and started to pick away at the area. Soon he cut away part of his skin with a knife, hoping that would help. Instead of helping the healing process, it made his toe skin swell up so much that he had to ditch the shoes for sandals.

“It smelled, and I look back now and realize every time we’d visit someone with a dog, their dog would be sniffing all over my foot.”

dog chews off owner's toe and saves his life

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