Puppy Imitates His Brother As He Hops Down The Stairs

A dog is walking up a set of stairs.

One day in August, Bowie, a 2-year-old dog, lost a leg because of health problems. Because of that, he had to learn to do everything again with only three legs. His family has been there to help him. One of the things that he had to relearn was going taking the stairs. Bowie learned to lean on the wall as he hops his way down.

Come January, Bowie already had adjusted to having three legs. It was also the month that a new puppy came and became a member of their family. This dog was Zeppelin.

Zeppelin and Bowie became fast friends. Karisa Maxwell, the dogs’ mom, said that these two dogs always do things together even if they have other dog siblings.

Karisa said that they were concerned that Zeppelin may become too big for Bowie. But despite that, Zeppelin continued to be gentle with Bowie. She even became his protector and playmate.

Zeppelin still looked at Bowie as her big brother. She would follow what he does.

Karisa said that they observed Zeppelin hopping as she came down the stairs and they thought it was because she had short legs. But as she grew big, she still continued to do just that. That was when they realized that Zeppelin was just imitating what Bowie does on his three legs.

Karisa and the rest of the family tried to help Zeppelin with this habit. They wanted to show her that she can go down the stairs without hopping because she has four legs. They even showed her how to do it. But Zeppelin would just look at them in confusion.

Up until now, Karisa says that Zeppelin still goes down the stairs just like her brother Bowie does. Hopping down the stairs is her and Bowie’s thing and we think that’s what is normal for them.


Source: Karisa Maxwell

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